Custom file input. Sass. Variables. Basic example. Place one add-on or button on either side of an input. You may also place one on both sides of an input.
Form controls give textual form controls like <input> s and <textarea> s an upgrade with custom styles, sizing, focus states, and more. Example · Sizing · Readonly plain text · File input
Automatically convert a file input to a bootstrap file input widget by setting its class as file. Note that a drag and drop zone is enabled by default.
An example to show how you can use the plugin to manage an user profile picture upload (or an avatar). This is achieved with a simple form based upload scenario ...
Learn how to create a seamless file upload feature using Bootstrap 5, enhancing your web applications with modern UI components. Introduction to Bootstrap 5 file... · Creating a simple file upload...
To create a custom file upload, wrap a container element with a class of .custom-file around the input with type=file. Then add the .custom-file-input to it.